Nothing is More Viral than the Truth

(Covid-19 Quiz)

1. The FDA says it may take until 2096 to release tax-funded Pfizer Covid Vaccine clinical trial documents for a vaccine millions of Americans are being mandated to take. 1,223 people died (5.6%) out of 21,724 participants who received BNT162b2 (instead of placebo) within the first 90 days of the trial.

2. The Covid-19 test is not a discrete or definitive test—it concurrently detects for other viruses such as influenzas.

3. No children under the age of 12 participated in Pfizer’s ongoing Covid vaccine clinical trial, which included only 3,013 total pediatric participants, before the FDA authorized worldwide distribution to children as young as 5.

4. No vaccine for Covid—19 has been fully approved by the FDA.

5. Countries and regions with 100% vaccination rate subsequently had the highest number of cases and went back under lockdown restrictions because vaccines drive the variants that increase transmissibility.

6. Several million Covid vaccine injuries and deaths have already been reported to VigiAccess, the adverse event database for the World Health Organization, and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States. There is a significant worldwide uptick in excess deaths after vaccination. At least tens of thousands of Americans have already died within days after getting vaccinated for Covid-19; even more are permanently disabled.

7. Graphene hydroxide in Covid vaccine is causing internal bleeding fatalities in athletes; it’s non-biodegradable over time, and traditional autopsy exams don’t know how to detect for it.

8. A German study found that ZERO healthy children have died from Covid-19 but children have started dying from the vaccine.

9. The synthetic RNA and spike proteins that Covid vaccine instructs the body to make stay localized near the injection site and are degraded after a short period of time.

10. Because Covid vaccine is legally classified as a synthetic gene product and not a traditional vaccine, no safety pharmacology studies on vital organs were required by the FDA or are being conducted by manufacturers. Autopsy results of people who died within 2 weeks following inoculation revealed lymphocytes aggressively attacked the liver, kidneys, spleen and uterus.

11. There is a coronavirus pandemic.

12. 86% of children suffered an adverse reaction to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in the clinical trial.

13. 1 in 9 children in the Pfizer clinical trial suffered a severe adverse reaction leaving them unable to perform daily activities.

14. Moderna’s first product to market is the mRNA Covid vaccine authorized for emergency use. Their tagline is “hacking the software of life.” Who is the hacker?

15. I am the owner of my body. It is personal property that belongs to me.

16. I understand why a vaccine passport is so controversial and how it relates to Bill Gates’ investments in ID2020.

17. Immunologists, geneticists, neuroscientists, pathologists, molecular biologists and primary physicians who have expressed safety concerns regarding the new mRNA vaccines are being censored and portrayed as anti-vax “conspiracy theorists.”

18. Pregnant women who received Covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters suffered an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies.

19. During the era leading up to World War II, the Rockefellers championed eugenics laws passed in 27 states which allowed forcible sterilization toward their goal of 15,000,000 Americans. The Rockefellers are major sponsors of the global pandemic response.

20. The Georgia Guide Stones, translated in part by the United Nations, have inscribed: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely—improving fitness and diversity.”

21. Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna Covid vaccines were all completed in January 2020, based on Chinese sequencing data. China opted to use a traditional vaccine. In case the United States suffers catastrophic vaccine casualties within our military and police force, American citizens should retain our right to bear arms to deter war and foreign invasion.